What's New

2024 / 04 / 29

Successful completion of the advisory for Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank

Takayuki Urade, CEO of JNEW, has successfully completed the advisory work for Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB) since February 2022 and left the advisor's position on April 26, 2024.

Under this responsibility, thanks to the dedicated supports from TADB as a counterpart, JICA as a sponsor, and other relevant stakeholders, a number of advises as well as tangible tools have been provided to TADB, on such issues as investment analysis, credit rating, monitoring & evaluation, project origination, organizational structure, collaboration with external entities as well as other agricultural projects supported by JICA. 

Let us express our special thanks for this great opportunity to support TADB as a key player in developing agricultural sector in Tanzania, and sincerely hope TADB's further development.

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