Corporate Information

Company Name JNEW LLC
Address 1740-1927 Hirai, Kannami-cho, Takata-gun, Shizuoka-ken 419-0106 Japan
Board Members Takayuki Urade, CEO
Kenichi Kikuchi (Sakura Partners Co Ltd.), Managing Director
Hiroo Yamagata (Ikaring LLC), Managing Director
Yoko Urade, Managing Director
Services 1) Research and consulting for ecocnomic, fiscal, financial, industry and regional development issues in developing and developed countries
2) Holding seminars, training courses and conferences related to 1)
3) All the relevnt businesses to 1) and 2)
History Mar 23, 2022 Established by Kenichi Kikuchi as CEO.
Aug 20, 2022 Change of CEO to Takayuki Urade. Transfer of international development consulting business from Sakura Partners Co Ltd. and Ikaring LLC.
Project Track Records JICA, Preparatory Survey on the Two-Step Loan for the Agricultural Sector in Senegal (2024-25)
-do-, Advisory for Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (2022-24)
-do-, Public Investment Management Project in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (2022-24)
-do-, Data Collection Survey on Human Resource Development Needs for Economic and Social Transformation in the Republic of Cuba (2020-22, track record before business transfer to JNEW)
-do-, Data Collection Survey for Decentralized Energy Business in East Africa (2020-22, -do-)
METI, 2019 International Economic Study Project for Establishing an Inclusive Domestic and Foreign Economic Growth Strategy (2019-20, -do-)
JICA, Project for Formulation of National Transport Master Plan in the Republic of Cuba (2018-20, -do-)
-do-, Energy Sector PPP Advisory Project in Kenya (2017-18, -do-)

c.f. Track records of the members before joining JNEW
JICA, Data Collection Survey on SME Policies and Loans in Ukraine (2021)
-do-, The Republic of Uzbekistan Preparatory Survey for Project for Horticulture Value Chain Promotion (2019)
-do-, Project for the Development of Finance for SMEs in Myanmar (2018-22)
EBRD, Capital Market Development Strategy in Mongolia (2017)
JICA, Two-Step LoanProject for Agricultural and Rural Development in Myanmar (2016-21)
-do-, Survey on Economic Corridors in South Asia (2016-17)
-do-, Data Collection Survey for Cross-border Maritime Cooperation in South Asia (2015-16)
-do-, Project for Capacity Building of Capital Market in Mongolia (2014-17)
-do-, Capacity Building of Public-Private Partnership in Mongolia (2014-16)
-do-, Data Collecting Survey for Development of Financial and Capital Market, and Capacity Building of its Regulation and Supervision in Mongolia (2013)
-do-, Data Collection Survey on Transport Infrastructure Development for Regional Connectivity in and around South Asia (2013-14)
-do-, Data Collection Survey for Potential Industries in Malawi (2013)
and many more
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