What's New
2024 / 02 / 26
Takayuki Urade, CEO, organized an Irrigation Seminar at Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank.
On February 19~23, 2024, Takayuki Urade, CEO of JNEW and an Advisor to Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB) sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), organized an Irrigation Seminar for its staff members from the headquarters and the zonal offices.
The seminar was designed to strengthen the capacity of TADB officers to finance irrigation projects, and with the support from various external experts --- Mr. Ryu Toshima, a short-term JICA expert from Sanyu Consultants International, Dr. Shinji Hirouchi from JIRCAS (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences) and Mr. Yoichi Kawanishi from Ebara Corporation ---, the program covered wide-ranging topics such as the technical basics of irrigation schemes, Japanese assistance in Tanzania, irrigation equipment & cost estimation methodology. Also, Urade guided the participants to the case studies for financing irrigation projects. The program was highly appreciated by the participants for its comprehensive approach to become able to deal with irrigation projects from bankers' point of view.
Starting in February 2022, Urade has been advising TADB on technical skills for agricultural finance with inputs from Japanese experiences and latest practices, which is expected to contribute to further developing the agricultural sector in Tanzania from financial aspect.
Also introduced on JICA Tanzania group page on Facebook. (Click here for the link.)
The seminar was designed to strengthen the capacity of TADB officers to finance irrigation projects, and with the support from various external experts --- Mr. Ryu Toshima, a short-term JICA expert from Sanyu Consultants International, Dr. Shinji Hirouchi from JIRCAS (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences) and Mr. Yoichi Kawanishi from Ebara Corporation ---, the program covered wide-ranging topics such as the technical basics of irrigation schemes, Japanese assistance in Tanzania, irrigation equipment & cost estimation methodology. Also, Urade guided the participants to the case studies for financing irrigation projects. The program was highly appreciated by the participants for its comprehensive approach to become able to deal with irrigation projects from bankers' point of view.
Starting in February 2022, Urade has been advising TADB on technical skills for agricultural finance with inputs from Japanese experiences and latest practices, which is expected to contribute to further developing the agricultural sector in Tanzania from financial aspect.
Also introduced on JICA Tanzania group page on Facebook. (Click here for the link.)